You can freeze a column or row to keep the labels in view as you scroll through larger sheets .The area you freeze will be nonscrollable ,so that you can understand the values even in last row/column  with the freeze labels .

Example : Students name and their marks are given .we want to freeze the name and we just  want to know  the marks of different subjects.


1.Click on cell which you want to diagonally freeze the rows/columns.[or click on the row/column you want to freeze ] Here it is the cell D4 or you can click on the column D .

2.Click on View Tab 

3.Click Freeze Panes 

4.Select Freeze Panes 

Excel freezes the area above or to the left of where you applied the Freeze Panes command.

The area below or to the right of the frozen pane is scrollable.

5.To unlock the columns and rows, click Freeze Panes on the View tab, and then click Unfreeze Panes.

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